
Friday, 8 November 2013

Review : Sprite By Peter Meredith

Summary :

Twelve-year-old Audrey Wyatt bears the unfortunate nickname "Odd." A name, even her bar hopping, alcoholic mother uses—when she's sober enough even to recognize the girl. Odd doesn't protest. This is her life and it can be no other way, not when she's deformed as she is.
Born with a combination of rare birth defects, Odd's eyes are a startling and dreadful red. Demon eyes is the first thought that springs to mind and the little girl takes care to hide them behind dark sunglasses. This is something her mother insists on, except when she's trading freak show peeks for dollars or drinks. A practice that is a nightly torture for the girl.
Yet when her mom abandons her, Odd discovers that loneliness and fear of the unknown are far worse than being a freak. Desperate for the least love, the girl with red eyes begins a quest through the American underclass that takes her halfway across the country. She thinks her adventure is a search for her mother, but in truth she's after so much more.

Review :

***Recieved By The Author For An Honest Review***

This is a story about a young girl trying to find her mother, but really shes finding herself. She is afraid to let people see her eyes because they react with screams and some even accuse her of having demon eyes. Her mother habitually abandons her while she bar hops. Sprite has had no love from her self -centered mother. Her mother’s focus was on getting men to buy her stuff and support her. 

Odd wears sunglasses to prevent people from seeing her red eyes. Her glasses are a shield from their reactions. She desperately needs someone to love and care for her. The main character, Sprite really grows, shes a strong female lead. Thats what I love about this book, I mean shes practically fearless. Her character really grows by the end of the book, and shes like a new person. 

Its really hard to find strong female leads in books these days so I was happy to have read this book. She is not strong physically but mentally and thats what I like. Overall it was an enjoyable story which I had fun reading.
Rating : 3/5 Stars

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