
Tuesday, 22 April 2014

***Book Blitz*** An Aria in Venice by KaSonndra Leigh (A Musical Interlude #1.5) 


***An Aria in Venice By KaSonndra Leigh***
(A Musical Interlude #1.5)
Publication date: April 22nd 2014
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance


**This novel is a standalone with no cliffhanger.**

His goal…One night with the ballerina.
Her goal…To beat the player at his game.
The outcome…Something completely unexpected.

Adriana Dostov pegged Luca Martuccio from day one: gorgeous, talented, arrogant, a man who has had difficulty committing to one woman in the past. He is known in fashion circles as the player with a scandalous history. So when the girls in her ballet troupe suggest she gives up her virginity to him, she doesn’t say no. But she’s not sure that a ‘yes’ is the right answer either. Yet, she can’t stop herself from making the offer…a one night stand in Venice.

Luca wanted fiesty little Adriana the moment they first met – and he fully intends to have her, hence why he’s agreed to accept her proposal. In the end, he’ll get what he wants. No commitment. All sex.

But, as Luca discovers, there’s more to the ballerina with the overbearing mother – and he can’t help but care about the frightened girl behind those sad eyes.

Adriana discovers Luca isn’t just walking sex on a stick – he has a wildly passionate side, a lost soul who has suffered just as much grief as her. And it could be, they’re exactly what the other one needs.

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Will be found here come release day: Amazon

An Aria In Venice Playlist:

1) Wherever You Will Go by Charlene Soraia
2) Die Without You by PM Dawn
3) Ritorna A Me (Return to Me) by the Rome Session Singers
4) Royals by Lorde
5) Cry Me A River by Justin Timberlake
6) Remember How I Broke Your Heart by Priscilla Ahn
7) Cascade by Hyper (Club Scene Song)
8) Falling by the Civil Wars
9) A Forest feat. Marina Celeste by Nouvelle Vague
10) My Skin by Natalie Merchant
11) Until the End by Norah Jones  (The way Luca feels about Adriana)
12) Girl With the Red Balloon by the Civil Wars
13) Sour Times by the Civil Wars
14) Just A Fool by Christina Aguilera
15) You Lost Me by Christina Aguilera
16) Never Think by Rob Pattinson

10 Weird Things About KaSonndra Leigh

1) I’ve always considered myself to be a Goth girl. Do you want to see how bad my obsession truly is? Then head over to Pinterest and check out all of my fascinating black, white, and red pics galore.

2) I had a crush on Frodo in LOTR. What girl didn’t? Even if they won’t admit it. Dark hair, gorgeous blue eyes, bravery: what the heck is there not to like? Never mind that I probably tower over him. LoL

3) I have a cassette player in my truck. I specifically ordered it to when I bought it. Giving up my vintage Janet Jackson collection wasn’t an option. I still haven’t found some of her albums on mp3 yet. **sighs**

4) I talk to my flowers. Sometimes they answer me back. And then those answers become great stories for you all to read. My grandmother taught me all I needed to know about gardening. I miss her terribly.

5) I get sea sick on ferry boats. Riding across the way to see the Statue of Liberty with my best friend made me sick. I’m pretty sure that in a past life I was one of the people on the Titanic. I’ve never taken a cruise and probably won’t ever do it.

6) I chew my cuticles and the skin around my fingers when I’m writing. It’s a thinking process. I can’t help myself. I’ve tried everything to stop it. I even tried using that stuff that turns bitter when you taste it on your fingernails. Well, guess what? I started liking the way it tasted, so I stopped using it. I know…strange.

7) I generally tend to fall for the fictional bad boy instead of the good guy. That bad habit has probably carried over from some of my real life ordeals. Okay, so I love bad boys. That’s why I get so many emails from readers telling me how they feel conflicted about my characters. Some of them even say that they prefer the bad boy character more. This is a good thing. I’ve done my job well when something seems so real that people get so emotional. Better to have conflicted over cardboard character comments any day, right?

8) Physics was my favorite subject in high school. I didn’t care for English much at all. Horrors!

9) I’m a human phone book. I can remember phone numbers after seeing them once or twice. I remember all of my childhood numbers and even some of my friends I used to hang out with.

10) I have a Nook instead of a Kindle. I use my Galaxy Note for everything instead…don’t ask. LOL


KaSonndra Leigh was born in Charlotte, North Carolina. She now lives in the City of Alchemy and Medicine, North Carolina. She likes to write about people of all ages doing fantastical things in magical worlds. Her two sons have made her promise to write a boy book next.

She loves to play CLUE, Monopoly (the Indiana Jones version), and Pandora's Box (good writer's block therapy). She lives in an L-shaped house with a garden dedicated to her grandmother. It has a secret library complete with fairies, Venetian plastered walls, and a desk made out of clear blue glass.

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Organised By:
Xpresso Book Tours

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